you have a middle name? Reinhard
What is your surname? Himpel
Have you nicknames? Himp
Age: 41
Gender: M
What size shoe do you have? 46
How big are you? 192 cm How much do you weigh
(without clothes)? 103 kg
your eye color? Blue
like What is your favorite eye color? Blue
What color eyes do you like at all? Braun
Birthday: December 1968
Sign: Capricorn
Where do you live? Speyer
you just have a girlfriend? No
Are you married? No
You Want to Marry times? No
You Have Children? A son
Who are your ancestors? Some Germanic tribe
you were in love before? Few times
What is your favorite color? black and green
You Have piercings or do you what? No
Name 3 bands where you'd like to take over the role as a singer? Slayer, Radiohead, Beck
'd Which concerts / events you like live performances been? Pink Floyd Live at Pompeii / 30.1.69 Beatles last concert on the roof of Apple Studios in London's Savile Row / SPK one of the first concerts / 13/12/1993 Nirvana, Pier 48 - Seattle WA / Suicide in CBGBs / Any concert of Voivod Tour 1988 / 4.7.68 The Doors Live at the Hollywood Bowl / Woodstock / 1969 Bed-In For Peace John Lennon and Yoko Ono in room 1472 of the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal
You Have ever a famous musician's hand shake? Ice-T (Body Count) and Mark Greenway (Napalm Death vocalist)
Name the most famous person you know personally? Hermes Phettberg (Austrian artist, actor, author and talk show host), Werner friend (wolf researcher)
Which person (s) you would have liked to meet again? John Lennon, Astrid Lindgren, Joseph Beuys, Klaus Kinski, Norbert Grupe, Ol Dirty Bastard, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain
Which person (s) would you still like to meet? Kerry King , Quentin Tarantino, Nina Hagen, Alan Vega
Do you have a tattoo or would you like one? belongings which
What color is your hair? I'm not sure
If your hair short or long? I've shaved off
you take drugs? No
Do you take drugs or do you take time before that? No / Maybe
If so, which drug would interest you? fungi
you smoke? No
What kind of music do you like? colored mixed
you do dogs? Shepherd
you like cats? No
you have any Phobias or fears? I have claustrophobia and am a hypochondriac
you stood before as a defendant in court? Yes
Have you been arrested before? Yes
Do you believe in true justice? No, if you will have to judge themselves to be
Describe your sense of humor: sick little something sarcastic, something disturbing, something strange
You Want to? Yes
Can you make other people laugh? I could
About what you can laugh? as if they scare people, about my own sense of humor about things that vote for me are
Are You Imaginative? Yes
Would you describe yourself as "normal"? No
could you imagine than to live a normal life? No
you ever been on TV?
Yes If yes what channel / program? Pro 7/Die Reporter
Are you intelligent? I'm not stupid
"Money alone does not make you happy." True or not true? Is not
"Time heals all wounds". True or not true? Is not
do you shopping? Only when it comes to luxury items What is
know until now the least about you? I like to sing
Which sports you're running? table tennis
What is your favorite animal? The wolf
What do you do to have some fun? me such expensive gifts to buy or own roller coaster ride, but there are always new things to
Where did your most far most vacation? Los Angeles
If you had to emigrate now, where would you go? Norway
How many phones do you have at home? 3
How many TVs do you have at home? a
You Have Scars? Yes
you find yourself attractive? night already
You Sleep on your back, stomach or side? page
you sleep with a stuffed animal? No
you sleep with lights on or off? From
What is your favorite TV show? South Park
Name two of your favorite movies? Jack the Bear, Evil Dead
What perfume do you use? None
What was the craziest thing you've ever done or experienced? That was too much on this topic I could write a book. I got such times by a person very much money. Would I now declare what, no one would believe me
what clothes you sleep in? I no special sleeping clothes
What brand did have your shoes? I prefer Converse , Adidas, Nike, Timberland
What brand are your shirts? I prefer mammoth Jack Wolfskin, The North Face, Timberland
you swear a lot? Yes
What swear words you say most often?
These are really many Are you a serious, loud, shy or naughty guy?
Depending on the mood I can be everything There Which car would you have liked? Lamborghini Reventon
Are you funny or strange?
Weird and Funny What was your most embarrassing experience?
I can not tell, sorry If you had three wishes, what would you do you?
first A time machine 2 A third Holodeck Health What do you think of politics?
policy = organized crime What do you think of the church?
dubious nonsense Are you right or left handed?
Right What (r) award / Wisdom / phrase applies to you?
There is a saying from the movie "Natural Born Killers", which I am very sympathetic, "Only love can kill the demon". Are you stingy? No
Would you ever cheat on someone?
no friend Are you reliable? Yes
Can we go with you through thick and thin?
friends Yes What is your favorite name for girls?
I do not like girls What is your favorite name for a boy?
Lukas If you could change something about you, what would it be? Some
Have you ever considered suicide?
Yes Have you ever tried to kill you? No
You have to life for a month. What are you doing?
I meet certain requirements. At closing my enemies visit What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
I have no special Who hates you right? Some
How can you up the wall?
eg eating munching you love your fellow man? First
not What qualities in other people bother you the most?
unreliability, miserliness, hypocrisy, if someone meaningless and even overestimate is. Stupid and naive people encourage me to actually encourage me to many people ... How important is friendship? Very important
Describe your past life:
Surreal, extremely, incredibly What are you're addicted?
Internet, candy Do you like jewelry?
If like me, Would you prefer clear big or small?
I'm big and that's good you are throwing a lot?
Not so much What are you most afraid of?
that the wolf awakes in me Do you play other people like pranks? Yes
you do video games?
Yes If yes, what you like at most?
FPS, Horror Adventures You Sleep much?
I try it at least Are you a morning or a night person?
night person How often do you shower?
Whenever I consider it necessary you ever been homeless? Yes
Have you ever thought, you'd have to die?
Few times Are you ticklish?
Determines What are your favorite flowers? In
have no idea I made looks like your apartment?
to cut me How would you describe yourself?
I'm hard to describe you pray?
Currently Do you believe in God?
I would like to prove Do you believe in the devil?
I would like to prove Have you ever failed to fulfill one of the 10 commandments?
I think I have all broken you come over to heaven or hell?
I let myself be surprised What religion do you have?
Evangelical Do you believe in reincarnation? Probably not
Do you believe in miracles? It
the strangest things happen Do you at the Last Judgement?
If even then I believe in Ragnarök Do you believe in black magic? Sometimes
Have you ever tried black magic? Yes
Do you believe in ghosts? Sort of
Do you believe in UFOs?
I hope it gives them and I will soon once kidnapped you ever been in a cemetery at night? Yes
Have you ever thought about killing someone? Yes
Do you think that a person is destined for another? Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight "? Yes
Can you define "love"?
For me personally, said love is a path to happiness Do you have a job? No
How do you earn your money?
With my talents and abilities How important is money? Important
What heart's desire You've already met? Some
What was the happiest day in your life?
know I no longer What was the worst day of your life?
The day when my dog died Do you play an instrument? No
Are you musical? Yes
you lead self-talk? Sometimes
Have you ever cried because of someone of the opposite sex? Yes
What addressed your life?
According to my wishes and desires the rules by which you live?
After my own rules The meaning of life?
Does each define for themselves Where do you see yourself in ten years?
This is not predictable
Are you resentful? Yes
Are you unique?
I'm What should be on your grave stone? My
Wolf logo and a question mark Who will come to your funeral? No idea
. I hope people come, which means I have something. The worst thing would be for me if any are people who say that would have known me very well, or better yet, to have been intensely friends with me :-) I hate hypocrites If you went to school again, would you do everything again exactly as you've done it before? No
you do yourself? Yes
Are you spontaneous? Actually, yes
Name one of your bad qualities: I have no patience
You will always meet your goal?
not always Are you an honest man? For the most
Part already Are you a faithful person? Yes
Is there more good or more evil in you?
good, I hope so. A sure about I can not answer the Who knows you really?
If I had to appoint a person to make the statements about me have, I would say: ask Christian Vetter Are you often sad?
I'd rather melancholy Are you a daydreamer? Yes
What people awaken your interest?
example, people who arouse certain associations in me You're a complicated human being? I'm multi-faceted