Monday, January 19, 2009

Rash For 5months Babies

When is reality?

second December 2008
Nappa Valley, California

When is reality?

Today my eyes
the light of the stars of yesterday as reality.

Today my eyes
see my thoughts from yesterday as reality.

morning to see my eyes
the light of the stars of today a reality.

morning to see my eyes
my thoughts today as reality.

I am now what I was yesterday.
tomorrow I am what I am today.

Today starts my morning.
presence determines my future.

past is my today.
present is my future.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sick And Have Spot On Toung And Top Of Mouth

the end of the town plan.

travelers on the phone, Tim Schomacker at the controls: Very nice radio are 50 minutes. Thomas Pletzinger goes through a cemetery in Ostino, Sarah Iwanowski compares past and present of a small Croatian island, Anke Bastrop observed Egyptian folds, Katja Thomas looks of Tel Aviv rooftops across the Mediterranean, Kristina Hansen Elvis met in Tokyo and Benjamin Lauterbach has three speeches at imaginary opportunities in Copenhagen. This time, all in acoustical form.

HERE TO KULTURG.UT eV, the contribution starts after clicking on the gray speaker.
