me everywhere!
I've been here anything for some time. This is because the past is just impossible here and here so read it. But you can still write but bissl. So things that concern me Sun Sascha is in love. But really with heart and stuff. Not in the new Frusciante plate even in the new by ClickClickDecker, but in a girl! She gave me so completely cut away the legs, I'm hung esch were full. It's great as it is. It's all still so fresh and so it will stay! My account my life can now be over. I'm happy. Better it gets. Nagut it always goes a bit better, but it is as good as it is now.
Chrissie is simply the most wonderful person I have ever met. I must learn to waltz and so on. I never would have made! Something I can not believe I did. But for them I do this and much more. What could be better than with her in a beautiful dress waltz dance. And if no one peep it would be even better. ^ ^
Hold me tight I think I need this now!