If I heard earlier on the news from Jerusalem, I thought it would be a wide area in here and there is something important, the compressed cultural history of the world, sanctuaries, military objects. Jerusalem was in fact once been larger, it is shrinking steadily. Great, but it must be silent bulldozer, night after night undetected attach to the walls and the old always move closer together. The energy increases exponentially, focuses on a smaller, but dense point, a red-hot world Abel. When I entered, I became the meteorite which, entered the atmosphere burned up, from now on. In my hand I held a Map, which illustrated to me the old city in 3D. I graduated from unintentionally everything in half an hour, Armenian Quarter, Christian Quarter, Jewish Quarter, once I had, by mistake, because I had become to me unaware fast enough, fully illuminated a hub happened, and now stood on the best-guarded place in the world, but as soon I could not clarify the situation, I was not clear what I saw, no, had seen, because now I was already in a small side street in the Arab quarter and met Abed Nasser al. Al Nasser invited me to an Arabic coffee, and I accepted gratefully, for he offered me a chair and I did my burn up if it has not stopped was at least a quick break. A look at my city map that I had kept in my hand, found that I had lost him. Even before the Kaffeefusseln had placed in the cup, I learned that Al Nasser during the first intifada eight times in the arm and was once shot in the head. A few girls came and looked at the rings in Al Nasser's delivery, she tried, giggling. Al Nasser also reported: He had short arms
. Actually saw his arms quite short. I understood this much: Because of the many entry and shots they needed him to be shortened. Could you cut arms, I wondered, while Al Nasser asked me why I saw so many people here probably, running around with weapons. Short Arms, I thought maybe he meant: short arms? Besides, Al Nasser chatter with potential customers who, wrapped white cast curious glances at the goods Al Nasser, stones, jewelry, electric cars - but the apparent interest in the goods turned out to be a ritualized part of a conversation among friends. An old friend of his, "said Nasser Al would go here several times a day along, only it was the now no longer a friend. He did not know whether he should greet him even out of politeness, his heart told him he should be totally behind. I took a swig said coffee grounds, my mouth full of crumbs, I
Yes, thank you as Al Nasser offered me a new coffee. The Jews, "said Nasser Al, here they run through the streets with their weapons. Also, all Arabs, who are active in politics were actually Jews, "said Al Nasser, and while his mouth was always wide broke away on my lips in the hot coffee. I sat in a web of side streets, almost lost, it seemed to me, has lost and forgotten. If anyone I knew? Maybe I was already in another time, another space. The famous Jerusalem Syndrome, had I read the guidebook, not suffered a few, especially religious, tourist, who thought they were the Messiah or the Virgin Maria. It has already achieved this, that two Messiah have fought fiercely with one another. These cases come to a specific reference to the Jerusalem Syndrome oriented department of psychiatry. After a few days, sometimes even hours, the psychosis usually disappears again and the patient can return to their hotel. Unfortunately I was not a believer, otherwise, I'm sure I would be such a thing happened to me. Now would the syndrome with me to another, choose certainly unpleasant way. I got up and went, while Al Nasser kept talking, and yet, I think we passed each other. Something Frightful sat in my stomach, maybe a little bird who tried to fly. Jerusalem, a tiny, hot, crazy spot in the world. Within the more and more together back end walls I was stuck now. I went straight and found myself in a few minutes later in the same place. Jerusalem, it was clear to me is a ball. This is logical, I thought. Sabi for Jerusalem was a candy. A round candy. Sabi, an eight year old boy from Bethlehem has never been to Jerusalem. He could not come. His aunt, who has a permit brings Sabi whenever they in Jerusalem, with a sweetness. Have you brought me back Jerusalem, they asked Sabi. And what I meant that I had traveled thousands of miles, Jerusalem? Sabi for it is a goodie - He lives just twenty minutes away and to the other on the planet's side. in concentration, I bumped into a group of Christian pilgrims, who sought the Holy Sepulcher. It was equipped with various cards, books and accessories and all the holy members wore bright green T-shirts. They were hard to lose, so I followed them in a temporary community of interest, because of the Holy Sepulchre of view I would probably figure out again, and, ha, there we were. Rather than on a clear, linear path, moving it away here in loops and hooks. One would have the place to which one wishes to imagine, I thought. In the church the pilgrims went straight to the holy places, I saw her vanish green and disperse. have been fervently they rubbed the contents of their bags on the stone on which Jesus anointed a packed DVD is keen. Processions of various denominations with disabilities, and got caught short time together, when they each crossed, they sang and prayed various things and for a moment the liturgical songs fused together, but everyone made sure the right one, his melody to sing more and not be distracted to leave from the other Christians. Now I was taken, I bought a thin candle in a strict, silent monk, and made my way through the many floating in the air cell phone cameras, by I floated through the blue glow of my burning candle in hand, perhaps for hours. When I came out, I came along blinded by the brightness, with a beautiful girl and her machine gun, which she wore casually over her summer dress. A large group of South American nuns urged the church and would have almost swept back with. After streets full of colorful, over the heads enthroned towels, they do not flutter, for here was no wind, the air was there for over two thousand years, past all the dealers, sometimes, all captured on a tear to me almost my cleavage, as I willingly, no weak been made, try on a bright red chain and was offended that I was shocked, I was not passionate, he said, otherwise he would have given me the chain, after bending, staircases, narrowing passages, I saw a clearing, was re-screened and was again at the Wailing Wall. In the heart of a monstrous person, surrounded by golden domes, the holy remains of walls and religious devotion, so attracted and repulsed that I could only stand on the spot. It dawned on Muezzinrufe and church bells, groups of Orthodox Jews in the evening bustle, always to pray, to weigh, to complain. So close, like this all together, so no one can talk to each other. The all close together are, the sharper the boundaries they draw around. You have to stop the bulldozers, they need to protect their city, I thought. The wall that divides Jerusalem: If it were wide instead of high, they would not be a wall but a broad, swollen river. The wall snakes through the city. But it is not a river. In that moment I knew now I would find out, and I found out.
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