It's raining at night, that I believe that the world may perish. It pladdert only way down, I believe, in the narrow alley down there would arise between my hotel and the house across the street, is a small river.
buzzing after six quarters of my cell phone: SMS in China, my darling let me know. I smile at the dawning day and decide to get up. I start my day with Goethe, whose famous travel rod I cross again today and will follow up Naples:
"For out of impatience to get ahead, I sleep dressed in white and not pretty, be a wake before the day to sit down too quickly into the car and drive between sleep and wakefulness, the date upon and to exercise it, the first best fantasy images at will. "
Well, I do not sleep dressed, but naked (other way of putting the 30 degree "cold" nights in Umbria not endure), but probably I wake before dawn in order to finally get going today but wakes me the rain. It thunders and lightning, it grumbles and rumbles. .. thunderstorms in the morning
will keep the weather is glorious Na

In the hotel I asked the concierge just like the weather today would be well: he looked at me quizzically. And again: Will it rain or not?
"Can be." He said. "Or not."

"Hold the right -. And drive carefully," she advised me. I will, I promise!
The Road goes off like hell, I can give you gas, come super fast at 35 kph Light-to-reach section forward and join me soon in a round kick. Radtrance in the morning, it must be the!

What could be better than free and unfettered to pass through the land? Only the bike under the rear, a small bag of back, free, free as a migrant bird, free, free ... I take a deep breath, breathe the oxygen, the sun-impregnated, but moist air Umbria and am ... happy.

Just before the city I get lost, because I believe I have found an exit, which brings me to a parallel road from which I was told: empty country road, not this road-racing track, it would be now. It is of course not: I wander around for about 10 kilometers, before I go back to the highway.
Also I decide today not to go to Rieti, but straight to Civita Castellana. And while
I still think, I almost collided with a mountain of Spoleto is: a castle perched at the top, including a nearly vertical rock wall, which I shoot at 40 km / h and soon disappears in a tunnel.

managed 40 kilometers, it is just before 9 clock - the first break at the motorway service station in Spoleto.

Things happen as they had promised me the sun first appears to be just on the back. No, she bangs. I can almost physically feel how to make their rays, the fabric of my jerseys, bounce and squeeze the heat on my skin, under my skin. Water, a precious wet my body, enriched with even more precious salts, they push out.

view is not what is behind the curve. But I suspect there will be no departure. No, I rather suspect it will continue. Top. Top. Only to the top - until we have circled the mountain.

If I get my head up - because my neck muscles repeatedly denied their service - I see nothing but green walls around all around me and a gray band that more and more increasing. Up and up.
I look down once, I see shiny calf, strained tendons and muscles, sweat-covered strands, which are struggling to turn a crank.
A hero is different.

ask only one thing I am: Who builds a bridge please to rise above a canyon?

some point it's there, the final corner. I reach, take note of them - no power to delight. No sigh of relief, a winning photo, or any reaction. I drive over the vertex, sign that the pedals turn more easily, high, the more lowered the roadway. And then, I go around a curve, the road emerges from under me and then I recorded the wake of the inclined plane. He pulls me, I accelerated, making that my bangs wind in your hair, makes that the freewheeling hums a song of praise for the departure.
I am away duck, duck me and I will quickly faster and faster. Shoot from a curve in the next, joints, correct, join me, if it is just flat, brake times, when the serpentine curves are too narrow. Then I shoot from a last tunnel, a final exit and go to my second stop point: Terni.
arrival. Descending. Sit down.

you babbling beside me, as if there were plans to hurry a revolution. Somehow infected by them, I saddle after a few minutes later my bike and drive off to cross Terni.

"The town is situated in a delightful place I gazed on a tour of her with joy, at the beginning of a beautiful Plaine, between mountains, which all still lime are . Like Bologna over there, so of Terni is over here down at the foot of the mountain. "
Well, the river I fail to see, but the few minutes I carried in the city to shoot, I delight in the beauty of this little gem on pituresken Velino. I regret that I do a little way to the highest waterfalls in Europe, the Marmore "can not afford and step back inside.

is flatter, with retreat of the mountains, only when I turn around I see what I've just crossed, and only when I look forward to open those Plaine, of which the Lord Weimar Privy writes. Terni, the output from the mountains, I have done.
I think.

course - it no one honks. They all get on seeing a rapid, but safe.
Well, 'tis containing Ferrari land here.

Fiese gusts slowing me jerk off to low twenties. I have trouble to accelerate again, the eternal switching and in particular the switch from small on the large sheet and then again from the great little leaf away my nerves.
Soon I am screaming annoyed against the O2 overkill.
the Wind God disturbs all of this, of course. On the contrary, he puts something extra: In league with the slope of God.
The road is preparing to go back to being perpendicular to the wall.

some point I read what I try to just desperate to reach: Narni.

Whether Goethe had not sat here on this rock terrace, one day? Here, where now my great carbon-powered car so casually leaning on the grid?

"What am I not become the last 8 weeks guilty of friends and insight, but also trouble cost me's. I just keep my eyes open and always hit me the items a right. . Judgments I would not if it were only possible "
right has he, sir. This flow so many things on me that I'm glad it at night to be able to reasonably fully capture in my diary
so overwhelmed me everything here, so completely freed from everyday life, be free!. Here am I "

What is this, to be 17 years old in Narni? Is there a disco?

is boring me here, however, because all around me is spreading around a beautiful green valley where the sun is very pretty. Fruitful because it may be down: the olive harvest here, which I love so much?

What is difficult, for both back and legs to sign in slowly, I was in the mountains is clear: Tired, tired. The slope of work takes its toll.
When I'm there?
20 km? Rather
30, right?

The headwind has increased again and the deeper I get, the more I feel it. Needs to come hard, has a lot of work for my km / h.

evasion has become meaningless: The whole road is a patchwork of asphalt fragments. It seems as if an entire Panzer army on a brutal march had passed through here.
And also listens to the sound produced by my 8-bar relentlessly hard tires on the ground.
have roles?
No way!

I must go through a small forest - a few rows of trees impenetrable hear my side of the highway - then cross over on a bridge and selbige I find myself in a plane.
It's hot.
hot Brooding. Stopping means exposing yourself to the perfect calm. That's going to be like in a convection oven. Only without air circulation. I can see the sweat evaporate. Even the incessant chirping of the crickets seems to be hard. Here it may be in the sun very well be 47, 48 degrees.
And then: A shield. The rescue! "Civita Castellana Centro" it says.
What? Already the center? Then it can indeed not be far!
New Hope germinates in me. I take a deep train of the hot broth, which was once iced tea and try reinzutreten.

"The road, from the height to Civita Castellana is in this very beautiful stone lava went smoothly, the city built on volcanic tufa, in which I believed ash, pumice and lava discover. From the castle, the view is very beautiful;. The mountain Soracte stands alone because even picturesque, probably belonging to the Apennine limestone "
Also I look at this Soracte that before me, elusive as the Cheops pyramid as a single obelisk out of the plane projects. Behind it, I think, must come at some point then Rome.

But still no city. No city, on which I made Goethe so desire.

No, this is nothing.
Only the flicker of heat on the asphalt. Only my sound of rattling and clattering Lungeln links.
Stop! The
Pulse, here and now to stop just to be stronger and stronger. Just look for shade. Stop. Sit down. Just like that. Stop. Maintenance. Off.
And yet ...

I rats - after I've entered via a narrow bridge, the city - over rough cobblestones, a police officer ask for a hotel and sent me on one of these narrow streets.
Then I stand at the 4-star outfit called Relay Falisco . Wow, I think, which is determined not be a cheap flophouse, and reserve the right than I am - a little shy and I contrast that make a sweaty, ready, stinking road cyclists here to the tasteful antique atmosphere must be fully aware. The interior promises top-class level.
80 euros for the "large single room" you want to have breakfast by myself. Well like that! And few minutes later, my toilet is in the journey 3.99 bathroom next to the exquisite hotel shampoos.

I pass a beautiful chapel, look down into the valley of the thick walls, you hear far away a mama mia Mama scold the children and follow my nose in a restaurant that looks very inviting.

buzz next to me in his usual manner sympathetic aufrdringlich-two American women.

amazed because they tell me and again that they were on a 3-week shopping trip for an American pottery chain by Italy, Spain and Portugal. Oha, I'm there - no unpleasant way, a living to earn ...

"Sounds like Texas," entgegenet Rochelle. And since I have to laugh.

And tomorrow, tomorrow, then Rome. Morning, the 5th stage. The fifth and final stage - and finally a rest day in the city of cities. A day of rest. Peace. Time not connect. Time not torture. Time wheeze not thirsty.
Rome. Madness!

"Tomorrow night in Rome so I think it still hardly and if this desire is fulfilled, what should I do after? I know of nothing more than than that I might end up happy with my pheasant Kahn to home and meet my friends healthy, happy and benevolent. "
Well, my trip will be in Rome is not quite finished, on the contrary, but sounds nice anyway - and reminiscent of the overpowering, huge anticipation and excitement for the eternal city, I fall asleep, dawn away in the heat and dreaming
Stage 4 - Foligno-Civita Castellana
leg length.
107.7 km gross travel time: 4 h 30 min
Net travel time: 3 h 57 min
section: 22.1 km / h
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