Maybe it's the sound of the sea, perhaps a shallow, salty wind passing through the curtains of my hotel room - at least I sleep like a god. Perfect - relaxed, relaxing. No compromise, no minus, it's like I'm in heaven.
Cefalú - dream city!
For the first time this holiday, I experience a perfect night. Perfectly. Happy. Worry about the next stage, I'm not, I sleep just as the Archangel had personally watched my sleep. let

And I will - be right - at least in part. For after yesterday I was quite confessed Tour de France pros overtake, I will now follow in their footsteps. And that will be exciting.
And do hurt.
But let's start from scratch with ...

The wind blows fresh from the sea, easily accessible from the back, which pleased me, for every km / h, I get paid is to relieve my legs over time.
What I do not know yet: today, the slopes of which they tell in "Hell on Wheels" always get: Unforgiven, hard, almost epic.

Sometimes more, sometimes less menacing march dark, damp rain clouds on the horizon, the army of thunder - I hope they will spare me today. And they will.

left of me surged an incredible turquoise sea wild in the rocky coast. Spray foam over the black rocks, one has the feeling that the Mediterranean under a boil.
I often hold on, hold your breath and enjoy the view, which here is never boring: Sometimes it is the view of a break-neck Rocks, sometimes leaving a village, high up, and sometimes the remains of a fort here that may defy for centuries the floods.

But long I will not have time to dream myself into the sea: the steaming asphalt, and call today's milestone. Then I kick myself again ascended the short ascents, who look as though they ended up directly in the clouds.
Then I switch to the largest sprocket and rattling crank me with 10, up 12 km / h the rises before me the little waves on the other side during the brief, sometimes to give the 60-scratching runs a little rest and cooling.

No bathers on the beach. Hardly any cars on the road, not a soul on the road: Sicily, I heard the lonely Cervelo driver who here for the hot midday the East of Island is broken up to conquer.

My rest.
My happiness.

Corleone, the village of the "godfathers", Castelbuono, Santa Caterina Villarmosa. All places I would like to attend, but due to the tight schedule probably should move to another trip.
all I was fascinated by the insight into the island's interior.

remote, far away - as I am sometimes feel. A landscape like a mirror into the soul. It appears that as well as behind the palace of Jabba the Hutt are ...

Then I step in, accelerating - at least as good as it felt at 40 degrees is just - crank and turn up, fly around the curves and noise at the precipice and I feel like the king of the world.
peels back the territory that I will go through in 15, 20 minutes, from the damp mist of the waves, absorbs far behind me the same Salt vapor is already captured around the lake.
buzz In my carbon wheels, hot air flows through the helmet - what could be better?

my part, I continue fighting through the city.

The SS makes an abrupt 113 to the right and what there opens up before me, is nothing less than asphalt-terrorism: 22 percent slope promises me the sign, and I remember the 16 percent of my Hamburg Waseberg.
And I pray not even more time.

No wonder the cars, trucks, motorcycles, and are probably also horse and donkey carts highway high above my head.

fights Then buzzing and torturing a moped in first gear behind me up the hill, the driver nods to me - I am in no movement capable, so I'm ready.
done And not even the half!

So that is 22 percent gradient!
Unbelievable, unbelievable! I put myself in an S-curve - not even 50 meters long, brutal hard drive for it, as in the inside the curves of the gradient at the 90 should be enough - to the side and try to take a picture that could capture this brutality.
Twenty-two percent!

But it was of breathless curses nothing - here I must be over!

A sprayer has sprayed a crucifix on the wall - and truly, I can imagine that so many has been longed for his last rites.
I sit back and gather new strength - the view into the abyss that opens up on the other side of the mountain below me, takes my breath away: 22 percent - almost vertically downwards!

envied her body, beads of sweat that drip in slow motion from dirty faces.
And now? Now I'm sitting here. Sweat was dripping from the nose also. My face - is, I also smeared the dirt road. My suffering, limitless. And yet, no slow motion. No pathos. No applause. Just me and the road.
And this road down there - which has it all inside!

Once I fix my brakes just a few seconds, speeds up my road bike - 40, 45, 50, 55 km / h and already I shoot, no brakes on the roaring turquoise, the foaming surges as some hundred meters below me.
I have never been sitting on my bike - it almost feels as I do a headstand. Me aware of the fact that only a small block to the front inevitably means the departure, I feel my way down with crazy 5-10 km / h on the mountain.
I am at sdurchgeschwitzt after the increase, as I come down.
And tremble like a leaf.

me after the trip from hell just now is no longer to feel like cranks, I think at a little bistro just off the road.
I park my bike inside and order a coffee and two chocolate croissants. Part of the pastry will fall down when biting, so I'm trembling still.
turns out next to me as the little family of German descent, and so I use a little eye contact, ask the lady whether they know much about here.
"Yes, of course!" She says gently. Her little daughter looks at me with wide eyes.
"I want to Milazzo," I say, "this is worth it?"
you look at their (Italian) husband, who immediately distorts his face.
"Milazzo Näää, do not do that! There's only industry, just dirt and stuff. Nothing beautiful." Aha, okay, would always been a bissel too far.
"And what do you recommend then?"
"Well -! You stay here Here is a beautiful beach paradise is right here," she says, smiling.
Well, I object to thanking from - although I have done, but twenty, thirty kilometers I will soon have to make today. And so I say goodbye and decide to just keep my eyes open.

What a view! I imagine there to rent a small hut down now.
down there now just take off their clothes.
down there now to trudge through the hot, soft sand beach.
With my blonde in her arms.
'a round of swimming.
... and so on.
But hey, is not a request concert here, so so hitched - Goethe stromert still around here, too!

This reminds me again and again on this road, which is at a dizzying height, partly as a New York subway or the wild mouse from Berlin's Christmas market looking over me spanning broad valleys, is milled rigorously by mountains or - as now - wants to have some curves describes.
funny. And it was now cheaper than this fantastic Super Strada expand here?
Well, I should be right - I still come to me as the sole ruler of the asphalt.

Up here it blows like sleeve, and so do I have to focus almost shivering with cold, very pleased to stay the course.

I come to a piece of road, which is probably broken off after a heavy rainfall by a landslide. Here in Germany they would have an immediate full closure and an elaborate reconstruction and million-dollar gain of the section (so it does not happen again!) Causes.
here in Bella Italia? Well, tell it like so - need few warning cones.
e basta!
Undweigerlich I have to grin and think of the highway patrol on my second stage, to me, within sight of the signs, the highway has recommended as a cycle track. "But always go right!"
honor Mr. Carabinieri!

It's a nifty bay, as always, almost a pity to be accepted as a matter of course, a downright-Caribbean-sounding Mediterranean branded to a wild beach, a small promenade with empty seats to stay and this place is HOT right way as my dear friend from far Abi-hours: Patti.

high above, straight carved into the hillside, they have found homes in the wild rock. A monastery and a castle to greet me and when I finally, truly crawling on the last gum, the city reach I decide to check in in the first-best hotel.

getting there! Finally!
I undress me and give me the way to the daily ritual of anointing showers, skin cream and the ass. (As I said - I am sorry but my level is still in the bathroom at home, so I anoint my face with his ass cream must, but that's not the termination).

because hey, at least I have today vicious climbs beyond 20 percent mastered and survived. A strange feeling of restlessness I flows through the legs as I try to sit quietly once: But it's not working. The butt hurts.
And when I saw him myself in the mirror - Sprained strange - on closer inspection I can see what I determined the next few days will bring some fun: plain, clear and bright red in a very first-grade fire radiates the triangular imprint of my road bike Prologo saddle toward me. Like when I would have crushed a giant butterfly while sitting down.
Au cheek, I think, au backe ...!
I wipe my ass

jealous I squint Fired up the mountain - the entrance sign had promised a hotel here with a star more ... but they probably would have put me there with the ambulance.
the afternoon and dusk, I spend a little walk through the narrow, hilly streets of the village, to me - although I can see hustle and bustle - so strangely decoupled from the rest of the world occurs.
What are all these people live here? What might be their day's work?
When Mr. Goethe I find no answers - because that has never come by Patti.

I fall asleep with the map of Italy in the mind's eye. And I am happy: tomorrow because I will then go around the Cape of Sicily and see within sight of the Italian mainland and the tip of the boot.
And somehow, I do not know why, makes me totally happy.
Section 9 - Cefalù, Patti
stage length: 107.90 km
gross travel time: 5 h 25 min journey time
net: 3 h 38 min
section: 28.4 km / h
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