Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mario Salieri Streaming Now


yet to work.

Bin begun. TV Tower

Só Street one. As I turn always pure. The shortest way to
field road.

In this street, do not know is how we build.

If you continue straight ahead here, one can not in the market

Blue House.

Now it's not far Mama!

field road, I am there.


I would like to sit.

much dirt here!

must get rid of. Barmbek?

field road?

Yes, I will bring my breaks around the corner. Always nice to Carostar and lying in the sun and make stupid photos. Today is the first May, there is much in the ski jump. I go anyway. Must buy beer for tomorrow evening. As I meet with my friend at Carostar. Carostar - The Place To Be!

beautiful holiday! I have to work.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Make You Own Wrestlingfigure

disembarking please!

lucky city, station. It's 22:35 clock. The train is the same. Three older drunken loud people create "noise" in the really quiet night. Well, it's still evening. Anyway, they disturb me. One walks past me, he has separated from the others. He says to himself: "I do not let me offend I'm nice!"
The train comes with a one minute delay. Of course.
The doors are not alone on this train from, are difficult to overcome. I hate these stupid doors. All places in this great Wagon are empty. I sit at the window, but can see anything anyway, but it is probably as this one is always a seat by the window.
I 2 yellow piece of paper to write full. Full of my thoughts I have for a person. I do this every night. Sun verlehrnt is not writing. By the way I hear music. Because I always do and because I no longer hear the drunk people want. They determined no ticket. I have one. It controls but no.
22:24 clock - I'm in Hamburg Altona.

yellow paper in the garbage? No! Never!

Who's on the other side?

train ride is fun!

Shall I go afterwards with HVV?

'm there!

And you?


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spanish Fly As Theme Tune

The rain is to fall asleep too loud, but that does not bother me.

It's late, I know. I was supposed to lie in bed and catch up the sleep I need. I again went out for the rain to visit again. What a beautiful fresh air and clear the level but just was there. Something I've since Last summer, no longer smelled. It was beautiful. I would like to have been outside for longer, but I must catch up to bed and sleep.

It does not hurt more Jackline!


Monday, April 27, 2009

Usage Of Different Pan



I'm sometimes so deliberately, I will be man on the press Immergut Festival . This just is not so natural. You can not just say because of the dice Security "! Ey Digger, I am talking about let me press the Acts" That's right one to madness. But fortunately there are AK-Annie with her convincing Immergut blog! You skin that is always a good press ticket out! You could apply there and I've also made it in one night and fog action. Although no fog was. And that looks like this: My application


This one had to make themselves even a birthday card. I'm so drawn:


Wish me ma non fingers crossed that I do not get it. Come what should. Or wanted to?

I also have a weekend with my girlfriend behind. It was another very nice and stuff. But my friend, the GR has already looked so funny. I knew was going nichtwas and I've really been so made my thought. But then I knew what was going on! It has only been thinking about it and about a man! What lies behind John Locke?

Yes, we watched Lost. I was unfortunately ill and ihrging it is not so good. All right Lost broadcast. Well, that one has the first season still not sold on EBAY. A tag is
launched earlier this photo

(left to right: Chrissie, and I Matze)

These are the hottest DB machines! To find in Lübeck HBF

Frede advertising for Frittenbude!

Was funny but the Friday evening. For we have spent in the car park in Lübeck. Was busy, but it has me then did not cut off your feet. A bit of dancing and stuff. Much was funny then but the 'Horny vending machine "in the station. You pay, but do not get horny merchandise! What is that. Then the horny emergency hotline call and it's not a horny employees Geilen ran vending machines. "Currently we do horny closing time" or something. Nobody here, not horny goods. We quilting adventure such a hunger for hot chips!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lahori Wedding Lenghas



What's going on? I've bought a travel guide for many days. One for California. As I will out with my girlfriend. This all starts in June, 21.6. . Who wants to know what we are doing because what we are doing so and not because who can believe what I read here on the blog. I think we write here and daft pictures and videos are uploading. With call home is so non-Sun nic does not cost much money as a call level of the pond.

But first there is to do something else! My friend Chrissie is 20 years old and leaves also more soon Eutin City! If this is not a reason to make party! Yeah! All this and much more goes on 05/16/2009 in Lemuria in Eutin. This is a basement where you can also watch bands! On this evening so will a lot! HGich.T ! distaff saturated Poppen ! And so a basement band ausm East Tomasch the hot! And DJs or something similar is also calling themselves Polyphonic Vimal. This is certainly a great evening, with beer I sell!

On 06/19/2009 my birthday. Not important. Important: Chrissie has prom and I am their companion. Or clear? Must buy!

Otherwise I'm fine!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Big Boobs Get Milking Pump

In memory of Hans Himpel

This video I dedicate to all fighters of Stalingrad and all the fallen comrades.
particular, my grandfather, who not only survived but also Stalingrad, the Russian prisoners of war.