lucky city, station. It's 22:35 clock. The train is the same. Three older drunken loud people create "noise" in the really quiet night. Well, it's still evening. Anyway, they disturb me. One walks past me, he has separated from the others. He says to himself: "I do not let me offend I'm nice!"
The train comes with a one minute delay. Of course.
The doors are not alone on this train from, are difficult to overcome. I hate these stupid doors. All places in this great Wagon are empty. I sit at the window, but can see anything anyway, but it is probably as this one is always a seat by the window.
I 2 yellow piece of paper to write full. Full of my thoughts I have for a person. I do this every night. Sun verlehrnt is not writing. By the way I hear music. Because I always do and because I no longer hear the drunk people want. They determined no ticket. I have one. It controls but no.
22:24 clock - I'm in Hamburg Altona.
yellow paper in the garbage? No! Never!
Who's on the other side?
train ride is fun!
Shall I go afterwards with HVV?
'm there!
And you?
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