out of bed. E-mail read. The hoped-still not there. What to eat. Go to the loo, I've now forgotten times. Do I need to work. And there you go! On the first of May! The subway was, as expected, empty. Finally sitting times. Otherwise I'm always 20 minutes.
What is this 1st May, will be here in Hamburg? I have to work, that's good, but I still have 2 hours rest. Because if I can venture into the hill? This break has to come for now.
After work is Chrissie. I can not wait. How long will I see you tonight? I hope a long time. Have me so overlaid with to go to the beer quake, but I have to save money for the U.S. move and Immergut. We'll see.
It's 10:56 and I roast Clock Fried eggs.
history of 1 May
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