Last year in early summer, I heard much, much Turbostaat . A band from Flensburg, which I was very impressed. I beschäfftigte me with the band very much. Was Turbostaat forum go. You could even say it was like an addiction. I had knocked at that time no work and the federal government already on my door. I made this but not give up. I locked it and pushed a letter through to her. My objection. 2 weeks before my moving. Fortunately, that has since worked with the civil service. That was in April. My community service should be on 1 Begin in October and It was a lot of time until then. So, I still could deal with my band and with turbo Tomasch State.

Marten Ebsen, the guitarist of turbo-state has a solo project, which means there LatteKohlerTor . I fell in love with his music even more than in the State of Turbo. He accompanied me with his Muisk through the first half of summer. I began to search the Internet for songs or for mail order to have his records.

I found this record:

The is the Lattekohlertor / ClickClickDecker Split LP. I listened to this record in 1000 at times, but only the page where on it was latte. The other guy did not care. The music of this click I wanted to hear, not because I wanted to hear crossbar. That was for me the very best with the best texts and such.
However, as I sometimes am now in, I sometimes go to the website click click decker. I've seen the song so you could download for free from him and I found dufte. I've then multiply by the usual suspects pulled. "The entire half-liter" , "I envy you your stars" , "With None , " Who Is On Me The shoes Beinhart " and so on. I found these songs and other great and I noticed quickly that he does not use normal attacks. I found schonmal great.

ClickClickDecker aka Kevin Hamann
On a trip from Thomas and Jana home I think, got me the two times click played in the car. "With no" in the live version was probably a bad choice. click came in the other two at all. The other Songs not. Only for "Who Did I Beinhart on the shoes" they have said that it is good. I was disappointed. I thought I once again found a good musician, we hear all three beautiful can, but nothing is.
After 3 weeks or more and I phoned Thomas and he said that this ClickClickDecker is great. I was pleased, of course, because I was also super! In the same week I had to Hamburg to Vorstelleungsgespräch with a man in a wheelchair. This should be changed that day that my life, I have no idea.
I will lead with Click to Hamburg in the ears. I had to Grindelwald skyscrapers, there lives a man with whom I should introduce myself. We talked a little bit and he was very pleased with me. That made me happy voted. I have painted in my future in Hamburg. Thomas had told me that I should come to him for happiness and the city have also been created. 2 days before I had my birthday and I had the bags full of money, what would be tantamount daruf, I bought plates. I found a record store. Michelle Records . I bought there ne old single U2, Joy Division - "Closer" and "I'm not afraid" of Click.
they Hab me but only when the car belongs to Tom. "I envy you your stars" both of us is so very touched! The second vote! We gotten our hair on the body no longer in the normal position. I was suddenly so angetanvon the music, I still had the 2 Buy the cd and it took me all there is where involved. Bratze , My First Trumpet , Tom Bola and so on.
More and more inspired me to learn guitar playing. "So funny, does not sound to handle and what should be a handle that now?" I've always thought. I particularly noticed that the "whole pint." I sat down for 2 hours and listened to the song. I am with guitars in hand. The Capo already prepared, even if I did not know where to put it. "Somewhere he will fit right!" I thought to myself. On the 3rd Confederation I put to him. The first note was a "C", which I found out quickly and the rest was not long in coming.
That's out is good, I found and made continues with: "I envy you ..." If I Did Beinhart on the shoes "," Einmanmiteinander "and so on
One day I was on the Internet, as each day passed and the MySpace of Click. . Internet Finds "!" videos of me! I jumped in the air, was quite happy about it. So I continued with the covers of the songs from Click. She has gotten aauch getting good reviews and such.
alsich the day came I went to Hamburg. 2 days in advance or in Flensburg Bewes and talked to the State bar. The first time it was hard for me in Hamburg, but I wurschtelte by Sun The music of Click is always with me. She has shown me Hamburg.
10th October 2008 10 days in Hamburg, a message that changed everything!
He said if I would block his new single "It starts as it left off" initiative. By video. I was to hear out the handles, as always, and film myself.
This message had changed everything. I made this video:
The days and months passed, Escapado concert at the Red Fl ora. I went because I liked it very much Escapado and because the grad ne split with Peters. and Bratz have done together. A Hardcorebans from Sweden or something grad played as Norman aka Der Tante Renate
went past me. He nodded to me lächend.
You have to mention yet that I previously beschäfftigt very much with the label Audiolith . I liked how the Lars Lewen that there does everything. I was already with him in the office to get me to buy me a Audiolith-shirt. He greeted me like this: "Hey, you're non Sascha!" I said: "Yes." and he thus: "Geil Come a shock!" then we took it.
matter Escapado! My logical mind told me that if Narmon is here in the flora, then Kevin would have to be here. I went out to smoke one. Then they heard a sudden from behind "Sasha!" Ichdrehte around and stood there. Kevin Haman. I was pleased and embraced him immediately. That was probably a bit too intrusive. I schähme today for it. But I have to say in my defense, I had a few beers way.
We talked quite a while. He introduced me to guys at Capta in Capa and saw of Yuri Gagarin
. We saw to come back later. It was a great night! Escapado rocktendas house and I was among people who almost all live in Audiolith.

Escapado in the Rote Flora
Then came an email from Kevin. He has asked me this time if I had no desire for his release Gala in Zeise Kino with him to stand together on stage.
course I said yes. something I will not miss me!
Before, I was still with Bratz. Once in Rostock in the Zwischebau and back to Hamburg in the evil and dangerous and in the harbor sound exile. What a terrific evening, or rather night. At this concert was a person I did not know, but I did not know that I would meet her a week later.
a week later. I work. Informed mmir if I go to the reading in the Open Hunter or not. I went back and that was the best decision of my life! If I had not done, everything would have gone differently and it would be nothing like it is now. I was an hour früherda, I thought it by 21 clock begins. Lars and I met Kevin before then. Kevin was in a good mood and excited I think. we talked about E-Bows. Kevin refers to things cool. This can be so beautiful and if you make a noise with a lot of Hall packed up, get horny sounds out there.

Kevin read his story before
After the reading, I went out for a smoke. I saw Kathy and Sändra. With three other girls. I walked over. "Hi I am Chrissie, I've today an interview with Click done and we have talked about you, "said this charming girl who is called well Chrissie. We got on well! all night have told and she told me she prescribes Mainstage .
It that night said she wants to marry me tomorrow. On the green hunter by 14 clock.
What can I say, I was there the next day, but they do not. ^ ^

This is in the middle Chrissie
Here is an excerpt from the interview said:
The first single, "It starts as it has ceased" have you Sascha Blohm be present. How did this happen?
Kevin: This was so that I've seen over the last year that since this is a guy who upload videos again and again, where he covering songs from me. And I found it very impressive that he was so creative in hearing out the chords. Because I myself can tell people who ask me for tabs or chords, always give an answer, because I am not playing chords, I do not know how hot the handles that I'm there, that I'm always tired. And I found it totally cool that because someone makes such an effort and a certain way, too exposes by the filming here and then presents online. It has touched me, what he was doing. And then it happened that I anschrieb him and asked if he would like to present the first single from the new album in this format. I thought it was interesting to choose something to sometimes as a distribution channel, because a conventional video for the single one else can always spin. And then I Sascha just sent over the text and send the song as an acoustic version as mp3. And since I could not give him the chords, he has once again it all out is fantastic. he found the idea quite mad, and two weeks later he sent me the then already.
Chrissie and I write all week about MySpace. I could tell that there is something between us. But I was not so sure. I was always unsure about the topic of women. Never had luck and stuff.
The release gala was coming closer and I was getting excited. Chrissie wrote me that I can do it already. I went with Thomas and Jana on 30/01/2009 to Hamburg to Zeise Kino. We were a bissl early. Chrissie came to us and we warmed and I was excited. All the time.
Kevin has said beforehand that there are 2 blocks. The last song from the first ch to come onto the stage. When he Oliver Stangl played together, I slipped down, walked quickly to the bathroom again, because the beer and champagne the Oliver has cast me, wanted to get out. I went back inside and put me right next to Chrissie. I'm not abergar was taken. Kevin told how it was with us so, he took me to the stage.
After the concert, I was happy that I have all süberstanden. I've talked to my grad Sun Ashi, as Chrissie came to bid me goodbye. But first they wanted my number. I've given her, of course. Ashi has also typed yet. I've seen. ^ ^
There was clear to me. This is perhaps but what is with me and Chrissie. We met later that evening for the Saturday a week and then she left.
A week later were we are together.
This girl has turned me and my life around 180 degrees. We complement each other perfectly. We love each other. I can no longer better than I supposed this to her to be around. I'm writing this just so all know who's to blame, why we are together.
fault of Kevin Hamann and Lars "The Audiolith" Lewerenz!
you Without both we would have never found us. Without the label Audiolith we have not heard the music, which has led us to this reading.
I would like to thank you for this doll! In the whole Audiolith world and especially with Kevin and Lars! And when saw!
Saw the case with the opening of T & G: "You are now together ne?"
Yes we are together!
We always look. Because we are always happy.
PS: Do not miss the hottest party of the year! Chrissie is 20 years old and we are next week on 16 509 party!

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