What was that for one night! I'm ready but it was worth it. Chrissie yesterday and I made quite a go. There were all sorts of people at the start and we were all agreed that we hate the Hafengeburtstag ! What a crock! Well, we were in the harbor sound, for as we went. "The aunt Renate" as this should give a factual and correct geiles concert. That's what he did. Dancing like crazy we have. It must have looked funny. I will not watch it! Aunt has to be real Best with and that was a lot! Hammer can only say. Best again! The funny Rick I then met yet. Cool guy Sun Oh, you can not tell everything what was ever so everything going on. It was just too much going on. Denise and Paul met Mr. Magazine . Then, as after the first concert aunt to the two already in the mother. Laura and son type of tipping his lost were still using. Deniz told us the way to his mother and then went in the other direction. The mother we have also found and the day went to so. In the mother were waiting Paul and Rick came later still. Short bought and consumed. Gnill says "Hello!" and has been drinking I think. Short and went to the toilet fetched. Until then we still had time to fully snout. We went so and then came the worst. Eating? Where? Nix on! We went detours and 20 times got out somewhere where the shops all had to. Because we are driven still wrong what Chrissie was not good. They wanted to Eutin back. But was so bad. There was always so fluctuations in our heads. Time we were funny times not. But then something could be due to fatigue. We were also so 16 hours a drink and celebrate! In bed we were at 8 or clock? I have a tank top on the body had, as I previously had not? Addiction be a tank top? So gray? I Soche my black shirt! That's what I think I left it in the sound port. May indeed be the're reading this one.
Now we can also speak some pictures and videos! Did not feel like writing even more.
Battle of the bottle
Battle over!
What's going on in her head?
people on earth you're not cool! You eat hamburgers
and go to school!
coffee ring!
I so Cola wreath
Duckstein in 1001
Chrissie and her whistle
I also so with smoke
Andreas was still with
Waterfront sound make a break.
fuckin € 12 for a drink
autograph from Rick
Sändra also brought there, and also with autograph
I also got one on my lean body
In between times a kiss is a must
Rick makes clear ne mixer. The well was determined. drunk
Before aunt already!
Der Tante Renate
Again the Norman
Beta Rock
Deniz says goodbye and We do not know where to
mother goes.
Paul you smoke, right?
Gnill has a cool sweater, I think.
still a must kiss between.
found 2 € and I am allowed to make video!
Already aufn way to bed.
Schlemmer tongue
has at least eat what Ditsch for us!
after work? Bock to drink?
Thanks to all who've been there! It was a nice weekend with Fips Asmussen-jokes and much more other follies. Next week goes on Geeier! In Eutin, there is the party of the century! All come and get all must come who do not want and who do not want to come. But this is a funny sentence.
So people, I'm done with the nerves. I must go to bed and sleep times at night. That would please me. Chrissie still has to learn geography and that is nasty!
It can be said already, we had the shots last night!
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